[펌] Flex 4 (Gumbo) Available for Download

이현호 2008. 7. 15. 11:13

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Flex 4 (Gumbo) Available for Download

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The Flex 4 SDK, code named Gumbo, is up for download now. This is an exciting time for Flex, it's now 2 full versions beyond Flex 2 which was really the first version of Flex that gained mainstream adoption. Adobe is really working hard to get ready for the release of Flash 10 and Thermo. The key goals of the next version of the Flex are:

  1. * Design in Mind: provide a framework meant for continuous collaboration between designer and developer.
  2. * Developer Productivity: improve compiler performance and add productivity enhancements to language features like data binding
  3. * Framework Evolution: take advantage of new Flash Player capabilities and add features required by common use-cases

Ely Greenfield, an engineer from the Flex team has a great overview here:

You can tell it's really start to accommodate the holy grail of the designer developer workflow. I can imagine that they're adding a lot to do the framework to get ready for Thermo also.

Download Flex 4 here and let me know what you think:)

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