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Paged ArrayCollection
Problem Summary
ArrayCollection does not support paging
Solution Summary
Adding properties such as "pageSize", "numberOfPages" and "lengthTotal" to the existing ArrayCollection and implementing a filterfunction supporting paging gives a simple pagination addition to the existing ArrayCollection class.
Yesterday one of the developers in my company had the need for a PagedArrayCollection. A quick search on Google revealed only this implementation, which turned out to be buggy so I decided to implement one myself.
I designed an interface called IPagedCollection which in combination with an extension of the existing mx.collections.ArrayCollection implementation would do the job.
Only hurdle was the need to override addItemAt and removeItemAt as the autoUpdate doesn’t seem to work when a filterFunction is employed. I will look in to this phenomena, but as for now a call to refresh after inserting or removing does the job nicely.
The code itself is quite simple, I have also created a small demo-application which illustrates the use of the collection.
* Copyright(c) 2008 HelloGroup A/S, some rights reserved.
* Your reuse is governed by the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Denmark License
package com.hello.collections
public interface IPagedArrayCollection
function get currentPage() : Number;
function set currentPage( value:Number ) : void;
function get numberOfPages() : Number;
function get pageSize() : Number;
function set pageSize( value:Number ) : void;
function get lengthTotal() : Number;
* Copyright(c) 2008 HelloGroup A/S, some rights reserved.
* Your reuse is governed by the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Denmark License
* Known Issues:
* - When the collection changes in size or pagesize, the currentPage is not updated.
* This is a problem if currentPage is set to a higher value than in the new collection.
package com.hello.collections
import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
import mx.events.CollectionEvent;
public class PagedArrayCollection extends ArrayCollection implements IPagedArrayCollection
private var _currentPage:Number = 1;
private var _numberOfPages:Number = 1;
private var _pageSize:Number = 10;
public function PagedArrayCollection( source:Array=null )
super( source );
filterFunction = filterData;
addEventListener( CollectionEvent.COLLECTION_CHANGE, onChange );
* Adds an item to the collection at the specified index.
* @param item Item to be added
* @param index Index of the item to be added
* Note: Needs to be overridden in order to trigger refresh.
* AddItem eventually calls this function so its not needed to override addItem
override public function addItemAt( item:Object, index:int ) : void
super.addItemAt( item, index );
* Removes the item from the collection at the specified index
* @param index Index of the item to be removed
* @return The item removed
* Note: Needs to be overridden in order to trigger refresh
override public function removeItemAt( index:int ) : Object
var removedItem:Object = super.removeItemAt( index );
return removedItem;
protected function onChange( event:CollectionEvent ) : void
if( _numberOfPages != numberOfPages )
_numberOfPages = numberOfPages;
onPagingChange( PagedCollectionEventKind.NUMBEROFPAGES_CHANGE );
protected function onPagingChange( kind:String ) : void
dispatchEvent( new CollectionEvent( CollectionEvent.COLLECTION_CHANGE, false, false, kind ) );
public function get currentPage() : Number
return _currentPage;
public function set currentPage( value:Number ) : void
_currentPage = value;
onPagingChange( PagedCollectionEventKind.CURRENTPAGE_CHANGE );
public function get numberOfPages() : Number
var result:Number = source.length / pageSize;
result = Math.ceil( result );
return result;
public function get pageSize() : Number
return _pageSize;
public function set pageSize( value:Number ) : void
_pageSize = value;
onPagingChange( PagedCollectionEventKind.PAGESIZE_CHANGE );
public function get lengthTotal() : Number
return source.length;
private function filterData( item:Object ) : Boolean
var dataWindowCeiling:Number = pageSize * currentPage;
var dataWindowFloor:Number = dataWindowCeiling - pageSize;
var itemIndex:Number = getItemIndex( item );
var result:Boolean = dataWindowFloor <= itemIndex && itemIndex < dataWindowCeiling;
return result;
* Copyright(c) 2008 HelloGroup A/S, some rights reserved.
* Your reuse is governed by the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Denmark License
package com.hello.collections
public class PagedCollectionEventKind
public static const CURRENTPAGE_CHANGE:String = "currentPageChange";
public static const PAGESIZE_CHANGE:String = "pageSizeChange";
public static const NUMBEROFPAGES_CHANGE:String = "numberOfPagesChange";
This is the small demo-application which illustrates and validates that the collection works.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:HBox width="100%">
<mx:Label text="Key:" />
<mx:TextInput id="keyInput" text="NEW KEY" />
<mx:Label text="Value:" />
<mx:TextInput id="valueInput" text="NEW VALUE" />
<mx:Button id="addButton" label="Add Item" />
<mx:Button id="removeButton" label="Remove Item" enabled="{ grid.selectedItem != null }" />
<mx:Label text="Set PageSize:" />
<mx:ComboBox id="pageSizeSelector" dataProvider="{ [ 5, 10, 25] }" selectedIndex="1" change="{ collection.pageSize = Number( pageSizeSelector.value ) }" />
<mx:DataGrid id="grid" dataProvider="{ collection }" width="100%" height="100%" />
<mx:Label text="Count: { collection.length } ({ collection.lengthTotal })" />
<mx:Label text="( { collection.currentPage }/{ collection.numberOfPages } )" />
<mx:Label text="PageSize: { collection.pageSize }" />
<mx:Button label="Previous" enabled="{ collection.currentPage > 1 }" click="{ collection.currentPage-- }" />
<mx:Button label="Next" enabled="{ collection.numberOfPages > collection.currentPage }" click="{ collection.currentPage++ }" />
import mx.events.CollectionEvent;
import mx.events.FlexEvent;
import com.hello.collections.PagedArrayCollection;
private var collection:PagedArrayCollection;
private function onInitialize( event:FlexEvent ) : void
var collection:Array = new Array();
for( var i:Number = 1; i <= 20; i++ )
collection.push( { key:"Item_Key_"+ i, value:"Item_Value_"+ i } );
this.collection = new PagedArrayCollection( collection );
this.collection.addEventListener( CollectionEvent.COLLECTION_CHANGE, onItemsChange );
private function onCreationComplete( event:FlexEvent ) : void
addButton.addEventListener( MouseEvent.CLICK, addButton_Click );
removeButton.addEventListener( MouseEvent.CLICK, removeButton_Click );
private function addButton_Click( event:MouseEvent ) : void
collection.addItem( { key:keyInput.text, value:valueInput.text } );
private function removeButton_Click( event:MouseEvent ) : void
collection.removeItemAt( collection.getItemIndex( grid.selectedItem ) );
private function onItemsChange( event:CollectionEvent ) : void
trace( event.kind +" collectionchanged" );