- 2009.02.18 BlazeDS Data Push Sample Site
- 2009.02.18 BlazeDS, Polling , Streaming ....
- 2008.07.15 [펌] Flex Cookbook : Creating BlazeDS channels at runtime
- 2008.05.29 [펌] Flex, Spring and BlazeDS: the full stack!
BlazeDS에서는 RMTP프로토콜이 지원이 안됩니다.
대신 Polling과 Pushing 을 위해서 PollingAMF 와 StreamingAMF가 존재 합니다.
이에 대한 차이점에 대한 글 포스트입니다.
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Creating BlazeDS channels at runtime
Problem Summary
Usually we create channels in services-config.xml and give URL to channel end points in the same file. In services-config.xml {server.name} and {server.port} tokens are evaluated at runtime, but the {context.root} is not evaluated at runtime. If we have to change the URL along with the web application context root, then we have to re-compile Flex application.
Solution Summary
Solution is simple you will have to create channels on runtime. This is very straight forward and easy. You need not even add your services-config.xml to the compiler arguments.
Usually we create channels in services-config.xml and give URL to channel end points in the same file. {server.name} and {server.port} tokens are evaluated at runtime, that is these tokens are replaced based on the URL you are using to access the application. But the {context.root} is not evaluated at runtime. If we have to change the URL along with the web application context root, then we have to re-compile Flex application. It will be great if you can change the end point URL at one location and the Flex application will start using that URL without a need for recompiling the application.
I created a very simple sample application which will access a XML file and then create the channels based on the settings in the configuration file.
I created a XML file which has details of the channels which my application has to create. If you see the snippet extracted from the XML file it has definition for AMF channel. In the definition the id is the ID of the channel configured in the services-config.xml file on the server and the endpoint node has the URL to the end point.
Now that I have a XML file with details of the channel my application will be using. I loaded this file when my application starts and create required channels so that my application can communicate with the server for using Remoting/Messaging/Proxy/Data management services provided by LCDS/BlazeDS.
Once the application is created function named loadConfiguration() is invoked which will make a HTTP Service request to get the XML file. Check out the function, it is pretty straightforward HTTP Service call.
When the XML is retrieved I parse the XML file and create channels in the parseConfigurationFile() function. Below are few statements extracted from the parseConfigurationFile() function which are worth explaining
Now that I have the channel sets I need to instruct my RemoteObject to use this channel sets when it is trying to communicate with the server. This is how you do it.
BlazeDS를 통한 Spring 프레임 워크를 적용하는 것에 대한 글입니다.
제가 설명에는 쥐약이라서 설명해줄 만한거 없을까.. 하고 찾아봤습니다. ^^;;
--> Flex, Spring and BlazeDS: the full stack! (Part 1) <--
--> Flex, Spring and BlazeDS: the full stack! (Part 2) <--
--> Flex, Spring and BlazeDS: the full stack! (Part 3) <--
--> Flex, Spring and BlazeDS: the full stack! (Part 4) <--
--> Flex, Spring and BlazeDS: the full stack! (Epilogue) <--
노파심에서 말씀드리지만... 프레임워크를 통한 표준화,자동화를 좋아하는
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